Start a company

Founding a start-up based on your research ideas is a way to maximise the benefits of your work. Find out about creating and growing a self-sustaining business with the support of the University.

Three business colleagues walking and talking in an office building
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What is a start-up?

What is a start-up?

Starting a company based on your research ideas can be a way to make real impact. And founding a start-up has a lot in common with the business of research. Find out what kinds of research ideas drive successful start-ups and what a start-up means for your career.

The steps to starting a company

So you’re thinking about starting a company based on your creations?

Whatever field you’re in, if you’re curious about how to achieve impact from your research through a start-up, we can guide you through the process.

Learn about how to develop your start-up ideas and what University resources are here to support you.

Resources to help you get started

Find the right information and advice on the business of running a start-up.

Deal with legal and tax

Under Australian law, each type of business structure has its own legal and tax requirements. Find out how they will affect you as a start-up founder.

Help for start-ups

Business Development team members, accelerator and incubator programs, and other professional services to help you.

Find a template

Make sure you cover everything you need to when you develop the key documents for your start-up.

What does it mean?

Founding a start-up can mean entering a new world of business jargon. Understand the language of start-ups with this list of common terms.

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