Understand royalties

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When we commercialise IP you create, we share the royalties with you, any co-creators and your faculties. Find out how licensing royalties work.

The University licenses IP to existing companies or new start-up companies.

In return, the company makes royalty payments to us. We then deduct the costs of:

  • protecting the IP
  • licensing the IP
  • meeting our obligations to collaborating partners.

We share the remaining royalties (the net proceeds of commercialisation) with you, any co-creators and your faculties.

Your share of royalties

Your share of royalties

As an IP creator, you are entitled to a share of the payments we receive from commercialisation of the IP.

As defined by the University IP Policy and Statute, creators of the IP share 40 per cent of the net proceeds of commercialisation. If there are co-creators of the IP, they decide how to split this share between them. This decision is usually based on the relative contribution each person has made.

Other creators

Other creators

At the University, we encourage an entrepreneurial culture. Anyone who makes a significant supporting contribution to the creation of IP may be eligible to share in the benefits of commercialisation with the primary IP creators. This is decided among the creators.

If you can’t agree, we refer the dispute to the Executive Director of Research, Innovation and Commercialisation for arbitration.

By mutual agreement, you can transfer IP that you own to the University. You may decide to do this to access University resources and help the commercialisation of the IP. In exchange for IP ownership and the potential commercial return, we agree on a royalty payment arrangement with agreed payments made to you.

If you’re a student

If you’re a student

The University encourages student entrepreneurship. If you’re a student and you contribute to the creation of University-owned IP, or you own the IP and assign it to us, you have the same entitlements as other IP creators.

If you have a start-up

If you have a start-up

If you start a company based on University-owned IP that you have created, you are also entitled as an IP creator to a share of 40 per cent of the net proceeds. You may receive other benefits from the company’s success, but this entitlement remains.

When you no longer work or study at the University

When you no longer work or study at the University

You keep your entitlement to a share of net proceeds from IP commercialisation even after you leave the University. Make sure you keep your contact and bank account details up-to-date for any future payments.

In the event of your death, the entitlement passes to your beneficiaries and payments are made under the same terms. If there are no beneficiaries, the proceeds may be paid to the University, faculties and remaining creators in the same proportions as before.

Keep your contact details up-to-date

Redirecting payments

Redirecting payments

We must make royalty payments to you personally. We can’t redirect them to a lab or the University. If you want to pass payments on elsewhere, you need to make a separate arrangement with them.

Transferring your entitlement

Transferring your entitlement

You can transfer your share of proceeds from IP commercialisation to someone else by legal agreement.

Payment timing

Payment timing

We aim to distribute the net proceeds of IP commercialisation as efficiently as possible. You are not able to change the timing of payments.

We will contact you if the IP has been successfully commercialised and you can expect royalties. We’ll tell you what forms you need to fill out for payment.

It can take some time for you to receive any royalties from commercialising the IP.

Talk to us

Talk to us

General questions

If you have a general question or don’t know who to talk to, get in touch with us and we’ll point you in the right direction.

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