Market intellectual property (IP)

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We use many sources and strategies to identify prospective licensees and market intellectual property (IP) to them. Your relationships can help.

Finding a licensee

Finding a licensee

Your research and consulting relationships are a valuable source of prospective licensees.

We also find potential partners through:

  • contacts from website inquiries
  • market research
  • networking at conferences and industry events
  • cultivation of existing licensing relationships.

Faculty and department publications and presentations are often excellent marketing tools as well.

How long it takes

How long it takes

It can take months, or sometimes even years, to find a potential licensee. The time it takes depends on:

  • the attractiveness of the IP
  • its stage of development
  • competing technologies
  • the size and stage of development of the market.

Most University intellectual property (IP) tends to be in the early stage in the development cycle. This means it takes significant investment to further develop, which can make it difficult to attract a licensee.

How we choose a company to be a licensee

How we choose a company to be a licensee

We choose a licensee based on their ability to commercialise the IP for the benefit of the general public.

The best choice can be:

  • an established company with experience in similar technologies and markets
  • a less experienced start-up company with the flexibility to move quickly.

How you can help to market your IP

How you can help to market your IP

You can improve the chances of matching the IP to an external business if you get involved. Your research and consulting relationships are often helpful. They can help us to identify:

  • potential licensees
  • technology champions within businesses.

As the IP creator, you’re the best person to describe the details of the IP and its advantages.

We get the most successful results when we work together as a team to market and promote the IP.

Talk to us

Talk to us

General questions

If you have a general question or don’t know who to talk to, get in touch with us and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Email us

Find a contact

Our local Business Development team members and central IP and Tech Transfer services team are here to help.

Business Development team

IP & Tech Transfer Services team