Navigate conflicts of interest

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Find help to recognise potential conflicts of interest and help to manage them.

‘Conflicts of interest include any circumstances where a researcher has a real, perceived or potential opportunity to prefer their own interests, or those of any other person or organisation, to the interests of the University.’

The guidelines also state:

‘Conflicts of interest can arise naturally from a staff member’s engagement with the world outside the University. The mere existence of a conflict of interest does not necessarily imply wrongdoing on anyone's part. However, in an academic environment where entrepreneurial and commercial practices are increasingly encouraged, it is essential that University research is carried out (and is seen to be carried out) in an impartial and independent manner and is not compromised by any commercial activity.’

A conflict of interest happens when your personal interests and your professional duty to the University are not aligned.

This can bring you to the point where someone could wonder if your actions or decisions are motivated by the potential for personal gain.

Situations like this don't always mean unethical behaviour. But in the academic community, this inference can compromise the University's:

  • reputation
  • values
  • research integrity.

When to get guidance on conflicts of interest

When to get guidance on conflicts of interest

Even the suggestion of a conflict of interest can:

  • damage the University’s research objectivity
  • affect the protection of human participants in research
  • impair other University responsibilities in education, clinical care or administration.

You must identify and disclose conflicts of interest as soon as they happen, so they can be managed.

Start by seeking advice from your Head of Department or your Faculty Associate Dean (Research).

Your funding bodies might also have specific requirements. For example, the NHMRC Deed requires the holder of an NHMRC grant to immediately disclose, in writing:

  • a conflict
  • apparent conflict
  • the risk of a conflict of interest.

Make a disclosure to your Head of Department and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).

What kinds of issues can cause a conflict of interest?

What kinds of issues can cause a conflict of interest?

Conflict of interest often occurs at the junction between two academic responsibilities:

  • the drive to go beyond the limitations of current knowledge
  • the need to produce public benefits from this knowledge through the private sector.

Commercialisation activities offer powerful financial incentives for you as a creator, including:

  • consulting
  • forming a start-up
  • patenting and licensing a creation.

You must make sure that you’re not influenced by the prospect of personal gain when you make decisions as a University employee.

Conflicts of interest can arise in many situations, including those dealing with:

  • the appropriate use of research
  • the treatment and role of students
  • supervision of individuals working at both the University and a licensee company
  • conflicts of commitment (your ability to meet your University obligations).

The University’s Research Ethics website has a conflict of interest management strategy. It discusses the types of situations where conflicts of interest can happen.

Examples of a conflict of commitment

Examples of a conflict of commitment

A conflict of commitment can happen if, as part of an IP license or outside business arrangement:

  • assignments or responsibilities have a negative impact on your ability to meet the commitments of your University employment
  • these responsibilities exceed the amount of time available to you for these activities.

The best approach is to disclose your situation to your Head of Department. Discuss the implications for your University responsibilities.

How the University manages conflicts of interest

How the University manages conflicts of interest

The University’s Research Ethics website has strategies for managing conflicts of interest based around six R’s:

  • register
  • restrict
  • recruit
  • remove
  • relinquish
  • resign.

It also discusses when each of these strategies is most and least appropriate.

For example, imagine you are both:

  • a member of a committee that decides on pricing and availability of University facilities for external industry customers
  • a founder of a start-up that wants to pay the University to use these facilities over an extended period.

It's your responsibility as a researcher to disclose and document any situations that represent a conflict of interest. The University Code of Conduct for Research describes this.

The University’s processes for managing conflicts of interest and commercialisation are evolving.

Check the Research Ethics website for the most up-to-date information.

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